Vol.10 No.2 – 6: Evaluation of the renal protection conferred by amygdalin against animal growth regulator Boldjaninduced renal toxicity and injury in male rats

Sawsan Agbashee Alsadee

Department of Basic Sciences, College of Nursing, Misan University, Iraq


Among the supplements that athletes utilize most frequently are anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Boldjan is an AAS drug used by young adults who want to look better and feel better about themselves and used in veterinary medicine. Thus, the goal of the current study was to investigate if amygdalin extract could protect male rats from kidney damage, oxidative stress, and toxicity caused by the anabolic steroid Boldjan. Four groups (Gp1, Control; Gp2, Amygdalin; Gp3, Boldjan; Gp4, Boldjan+ Amygdalin) were created out of forty mature male Wistar rats. When compared to control Gp, Boldjan significantly increased relative body weights (RBW), relative weights of the kidney, serum urea, creatinine, potassium ions, calcium ions, and chloride ions, and caused renal damage. It also significantly decreased sodium ions. By contrast, in post-treated rats Gp (Boldjan+Amygdalin), Amygdalin markedly restored the kidney damage generated by Boldjan. Amygdalin may be a useful prophylactic supplement to reduce kidney toxicity caused by Boldjan, perhaps through regulating oxidative stress reactions.

Evaluation of the renal protection conferred by amygdalin against animal growth regulator Boldjan induced renal toxicity and injury in male rats (2)

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