Vol.2 No.1 -1 : Gasoline induced pulmo- oxidative damage in mice model.

By : Awatef Ali1 ,Nawal El-Ghazaly2 , Samir Dekinesh3,Sanaa Kabiel4,Azza Sedky5


The present work aims to evaluatethe cytotoxic effects on lung cells exerted by gasoline. 60 male albino mice were used in the present experiment, divided equally into 3 groups: first group (control) was left access to fresh air, second group (experimental) was subjected to gasoline 80- vapor/1h./day and third group (experimental) was subjected to gasoline 90-vapor/1h./day along eight consecutive weeks. The study comprises determination of body weight, bioaccumulation of some heavy metals ,histological and ultra-changes . Histological changes increased according to duration of exposure as, infiltration of inflammatory cells, detachment and necrosis of the epithelial cells .The electron micrographs revealed dilatation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, loss of the secretory granules in the Clara cells and loss of cilia in the ciliated cells that exhibited bleb formation. Necrotic type II pneumocytes, exhibited vacuolation, fragmentation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum,mitochondrial degeneration , nuclear alterations, degeneration of lamellar bodies and microvillar atrophy. In conclusion, gasoline vapour inhalation induced lung tissue injury and cellular damage concomitant with impairment of the lung antioxidant defense system. These effects were more pronounced with the unleaded than with the leaded gasoline.

1. Gasoline induced pulmo- oxidative damage in mice model.

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