Vol.10 No.2 – 7: Evaluation of the in-vitro anti-inflammatory and hemolytic activity of aqueous extract of Silene Vulgaris (Moench) Garcke in Algeria.

Abdelkader Elhadj Berrezig 1*, Achraf .K 1 , Kheira.M 1, Yazid.A2

1  Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar, Algeria.

1  Laboratory of Valorization of Vegetal Resource and Food Security in Semi-Arid Areas, South West of Algeria, Tahri  Mohammed University of Bechar, Algeria.

2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, University IBN KHALDOUN of Tiaret, Algeria


Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke is a popular edible plant that is consumed by a significant population in many countries. The present research focused on determining the in-vitro anti-inflammatory ability and hemolytic activity of aqueous extracts derived from the soil and aerial parts of S. vulgaris. The study involved many plant parts, including roots, leaves, stems, and flowers. The extraction method adopted consisted of decoction and maceration, with distilled water acting as the solvent for extraction.Bovine Serum Protein Denaturation was used as a method to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of S.vulgaris. Moreover, the evaluation of the hemolytic effect of aqueous extracts from S.vulgaris parts was prepared in vitro on an erythrocyte suspension of human blood incubated in phosphate buffer solution (PBS). The results of in-vitro anti-inflammatory activity showed that the macerated aqueous extract (Mac-H2O) and decocted aqueous extract (Dec-H2O) of leaves (at concentrations of 1 mg/ml) exhibited a considerably greater level of inhibition (88.31% and 66.88%, respectively) compared to the other parts. Additionally, an evaluation of hemolytic potential was conducted on human erythrocytes, revealing that the root extracts (Mac-H2O and Dec-H2O) display high activity against erythrocytes, leading to hemolysis (82.97 ± 3.56% and 86, 62 ± 1.44%, respectively). In contrast, the aerial parts showed very weak hemolytic activity. These results indicate that S.vulgaris has considerable antioxidant properties, particularly the leaves, which can make it a good nominee for subsequent investigations.

Evaluation of the in vitro anti-inflammatory and hemolytic activity of aqueous extract of Silene Vulgaris (Moench) Garcke in Algeria.

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