Vol.10 No.2 – 2: Gene sequences of TNF and INFα Cytokines in Cryptosporidium Co-infection with H-pylori of irritable bowel syndrome

By: Basheer Abd. Nasralla1, Nazar Sh. Mohammed2, Salwa S. Muhsen1

1 Medical Technical Institute, Middle Technical University (MTU), Iraq

2 Collage of Health and Medical Techniques, Middle Technical University (MTU), Iraq


In this study, 100 whole blood samples were collected from patients having Cryptosporidiosis and co-infected with H pylori bacteria who attended Baghdad Teaching Hospital during the period from June 2022 to April 2023. The results showed that the Mean±S.E of anti-Cryptosporidium IgM antibodies in the patient group was (14.614±0.901) when compared with the control group (0.081±0.022), with a highly significant difference p<0.0001. Also, the Mean±S.E of anti-Cryptosporidium IgG antibodies was (24.213±0.839) in the patient group when compared with the control group (4.775±0.249), with a highly significant difference p<0.0001. The Mean±S.E of anti-H pylori IgM antibodies in the patient group was (13.923±1.005) when compared with the control group (0.200±0.032), with a highly significant difference p<0.0001. The results also demonstrated that the Mean±S.E of anti-H pylori IgG in the patient group was (28.460±0.847) when compared with the control group (15.835±0.438), with a highly significant difference p<0.0001. The result showed that Mean±S.E of INFα in the patient group was (14.588±0.849) when compared with the control group (4.655±0.271), with a highly significant difference p<0.0001. Data in our study also showed a mutation occurred with TNF gene ID 90865 in SNPs, rs7044343. The variation of wild TT was changed to CC, CC, TC, TC, CC, TC, CC, TC, TT, TC in comparison with the control group. A mutation occurred with INFα gene ID 90865 in SNPs, rs7044343. The variation of wild TT was changed to CC, CC, TC, TC, CC, TC, CC, TC, TT, TT compared to the control group.

Gene sequences of TNF and INFα Cytokines in Cryptosporidium (1)

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