Vol.4 No.3 – 14 : Effectiveness of Back Strengthening Exercise on Pain and Disability among the Nursing Students with Mechanical Low Back Pain

By :  Jinu K Rajan
Department of Nursing, College of Applied Medical Sciences
Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Background : Health is a fundamental right. Every human being has the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health. According to WHO, health is a state of complete physical mental, social and spiritual well being, not merely an absence of disease or infirmity (Potter PA, Perry AG, 2010). The musculoskeletal system is particularly vulnerable to external forces. These forces can cause alteration in structure of bone or soft connective tissue, resulting in functional disruption. The consequences may be deformity, alteration of body image, mobility, pain or permanent disability. These problems may produce long term health problems that interfere with activities of daily living and quality of life (Lewis SM, Heitkemper MM, Dirksen SR, 2007).
Materials and Methods: A pre experimental study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of back
strengthening exercise on pain and disability among nursing students with mechanical low back pain in Index Nursing College, Indore. The objectives of the study were to assess the intensity of low back pain and disability before and after the back strengthening exercises, assess the effectiveness of back strengthening exercise on low back pain, disability and associate the level of low back pain with selected demographic variables. One group pre-test post-test design was used and Purposive sampling technique was applied.
Results: Samples were selected using case detection proforma. 60 students who met the inclusion criteria were recruited for the back strengthening exercise intervention. The intervention was carried out daily for 30 minutes for duration of 30 days. The severity of low back pain and disability before and after the intervention were assessed using the Numerical pain rating scale and Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire respectively. Analysis revealed that the post test pain and disability score was significantly less than the pre-test pain and disability score.
Conclusion: Thus back strengthening exercise was found to be effective in reducing low back pain and
disability among the nursing students. There was no significant association among the pre-test pain score and the selected demographic variables like age, height, weight, course of study, year of study, activities aggravating low back pain.



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Vol.4 No.3 – 13 : The effectiveness of nano-chlorophyll in breast cancer -targeted therapy

By :  Jubran M. Abdulrahman1,2,  Gihan Hosny2, Samir A. Abd El-kaream3

1 Center of Research and Educational Studies, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq.
2 Institute of Graduate Studies & Research, Alexandria University, Egypt.
3 Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Egypt.


Background: Sono-photodynamic therapy (SPDT) is a safe, non-toxic and non-invasive way of destroying cancer cells, as well as enhancing immune protective function. The present work aims to cure Ehrlich ascites carcinoma tumor implanted to group of mice using a sonophotodynamic modality in combination with nano-chlorophyll (nano-Chl) as a sonophoto sensitizer. Methods: A total of 130 male Swiss albino mice with age 60–65 day, weighing 20  2.0 g, were used in this experiment. Two sources of energy were used; namely infrared laser (IR) and Ultrasound for 3 min. When the tumor had grown to about 10 mm in diameter at day 10 after inoculation, the treatment study was started. Six experimental groups were investigated. The dimensions of the tumor, tumor volume, tumor mass inhibition ratio and tumor volume growth ratio were calculated. Results: The results revealed that the effect of exposing the tumor to IR laser alone or in the presence of the nano- Chl resulted in decreasing the tumor volume, tumor growth rate and inhibition ratio. Similar result was observed in case of using ultrasound exposure only or in the presence of the nano-Chl. Combined treatment of IR laser at 7000 Hz and pulsed ultrasound wave in the presence of nano-Chl was more effective than either IR laser or ultrasound alone. Conclusion: It can be suggested that folic acid-conjugated nano-Chl sono-photo-sensitizers (FA-NGO-Chl) could be used as a novel nanomaterial with great potential as effective drug delivery system in targeting sono-photo-dynamic-therapy (SPDT).

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Vol.4 No.3 – 12 : Assessment of environmental and pollution level in water and insect’s fauna of fresh water habitat

By : 1,2 Masood, M F, 3 A. S. Al-Nasser, 1,4 Salama A. S., 4 EH Radwan, and 5 KH Radwan
1 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, KSA
2 Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University (Asuit-Egypt)
3 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Jeddah, KSA
4 Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Egypt.
5Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), Cairo, Egypt


The environmental problems have raised the interest for bio-indicators able to reflect their environment. Among these life forms, the insects may contribute to a viable evaluation of the sustainability degrees. The Egyptian Mediterranean coast exhibits six lakes which are situated along the Nile Delta coast; Northern Delta lakes; Manzala, Borollus, Edku and Mariut, and to the east of the Suez Canal, Port-Fouad and Bardawil. The aim of the current study was to evaluate different heavy metals in aquatic insects Ochthebius (Asiobates) rugulosus Wollaston 1857, taken from Lake Manzala and to estimate their effect on the oxidative stress markers to employ insects as sensitive bio-monitors for environmental pollution. A lot of fluctuations were observed affected by the poor connection of water body of the lake Manzala. The mean level concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in loc.#1, whereas; 0.98, 3.02, 0.35 and 1.99 μg/l; respectively with the arrangement of Cu < Pb < Zn < Cd in location #1 whereas it was reported as 1.8, 3.64, 1.32 and 2.2 μg/l in location#2, giving the arrangement of Pb < Cu < Zn < Cd in loc.#2. The mean concentration level of Pb in both locations was less than that recommended by the USEPA, 2005 (2.5-65 μg/l), Cd in the present study was higher than that of the water quality criteria; (0.2-2 μg/l) recommended by USEPA, 2005 in both locations in Lake Manzala. The pH values of water were alkaline throughout the lake. It is concluded from the obtained data that the south eastern region showed worse quality parameters. The pH of water lake (loc.1; 7.7), (loc.#2; 7.3) was found to be slightly alkaline throughout the spring (March-May, 2018). The pH was within the prescribed limits (6.5-9) of USEPA, 2005. In the current study Cu and Zn concentration in Ochthebius (Asiobates) rugulosus Wollaston 1857, in Lake Manzala ranged from (0.2-0.1μg/g, 0.07-0.09 μg/g). The mean concentration of heavy metal were significantly (p<0.05) difference in water samples collected from Lake Manzala, Spring; 2018. The arrangement of elements in the insect tissue were as; Cu > Pb > Zn > Cd. There was a significant increase in the mean concentrations level of ALT activity in insects from loc. #2; 42.6 (U/mg protein), while it was 37 (U/mg protein) in that of loc.#1. The mean concentration level of AST activity in insects from loc.#1 was 50.8 (U/mg protein), while it was 59 (U/mg protein) in that of loc.#2. A significant decrease in GPx activity in insects from loc.#2 was found as, 68.74 (mU/mg protein), while it was 77.4 mU/mg protein in that of loc.#1. The results of the present study showed that there was a significant decrease in GPx activity in samples collected from loc.#2 compared with that of loc.#1 telling that insects in loc.#2 are under stress of sewage pollution (Bahr El Baqur) drain. The Pb in insect tissues in loc.#1 is positively correlated with Zn in insect tissues, TP, MDA, and GPx as r=0.693, r=0.854, r=0.873, and r=644; respectively. Cd in insect tissues is positively correlated with AST, TP, MDA and GPx as r=0.870, r=0.690, r=0.666 and r=0.737; respectively. Cu in insect tissues is negatively correlated with AST as r=-0.739. Zn in insect tissues is positively correlated with TP, MDA, and GPx as r=0.742, r=0.810, r=0.951*; respectively. TP is highly positive correlated with MDA and GPx as r=0.983*, and r=0.840*; respectively whereas, MDA is highly positively correlated with GPx as r=0. 882*. In loc.#2, Pb in insect tissues is negatively correlated with Cu in insect tissues, TP, MDA and GPx as r=-0.716, r=-0.916*, r=-0.878* and r=-0.704; respectively. Cd in insect tissues is negatively correlated with MDA as r=-0.655. Cu in insect tissues is positively correlated with TP, and GPx as r=0.806 and r=0.658; respectively. Zn in insect tissues is negatively correlated with AST as r=-0.813.

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Vol.4 No.3 – 11 : Detection of Bacterial Pathogen from Wound Infections and Study Some of their Virulence Factors

By : Noor Hamid Abbas Al- Marzoog and Amal Hesham Hameed
Department of pathological analysis technique. Al-Mustaqbal College University, Iraq


Wound infections are one of the most important and potentially serious complications that occur in the acute period following injury. In this study, (35) wound swap were collected from (35) patients with suspected wound infection, during the period from December (2017) to March (2018). The results of this study revealed that (74.29%) of samples was positive for bacterial culture, while (25.71%) of sample have no growth. The bacterial culture shown that (38.46%) (10 isolate) of bacterial isolates was Staphylococcus aureus followed by Pseudomonas spp. (19.23%) (5 isolate), E. coli (19.23%) (5 isolate), Klebsiella (15.38%) (4 isolate) and Proteus (7.69%) (2 isolate). In-vitro, the susceptibility of bacteria towards some antibiotics included in this study revealed that the Ciprofloxacin, are the most effective antibiotics to different types of pathogenic bacteria, while all bacteria was resistance to Ampicillin.



Detection of Bacterial Pathogen from Wound Infections and Study Some of their Virulence Factors-converted

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Vol.4 No.3 – 10 : B Cell Lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) in Serum Increased with Breast Cancer in Egyptian Women

By : Ali Ahmad Abu Siyam1, Soheir Rizk Demian2, Ahmed Saad Ahmed3, Mohammad Abdel- Rhman Ahmad4 and Basma Hussein Mersal2.

1 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jadara University, Jordan.

2 Department of Immunology and Allergy, Medical Research Institute, University of Alexandria. Egypt.

3 Department of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Medical Research Institute, University of Alexandria, Egypt

4 Department of Clinical Pathology and Immunology, Medical Military Academy, Alexandria Armed Forces Hospital, Egypt


Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed female-spe­cific cancer, and shows an increasing trend in diagnosed cases worldwide. An estimated one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. BC is estimated to be the most common female cancer in Egypt, and the incidence rate among Egyptian women is 48.8/105. Evasion of cell death is now acknowledged as a hallmark of cancer, required to overcome the counterbalancing effects of cell death on enhanced cell proliferation. B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) gene involves in cell survival mechanism rather than cell proliferation and it prolongs cell life by preventing apoptosis via activating different signaling routes which are induced by various agents. We aimed in this study to investigate whether the Bcl-2 activities are associated with breast cancer in Egyptian women, and correlated to different clinicopathological features of the disease. The study was conducted on forty five females; thirty women with different stages of breast cancer, and fifteen normal healthy females were included as a control group. All patients under study were subjected to full history taking and clinical examination. Fresh blood samples were obtained from all subjects, serum separation was done for measurement of Bcl-2 levels by ELISA technique. Our results showed that there were significantly higher serum Bcl-2 levels in breast cancer patients before surgery than in normal healthy controls. The results obtained also revealed that the mean value of Bcl-2 for the breast cancer patients was significantly higher than the control group. We almost can say that the Bcl-2 values would increase with advanced stages of breast cancer.

B cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) in serum increased with breast cancer in Egyptian women

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Vol.4 No.3 – 9 : Diversity of Mix Microalgae in Fish Tanks under Different Weather Conditions

By : Hayfaa Mohammed Sahab, Hishamuddin Omer, Ahmad Ismail, Noor Amal Mohamed

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia


One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases contributed to the warming of the atmosphere and this effecting most of living organisms on earth including microalgae. Therefore, the aim of this study is to observe the changes in diversity of mixed microalgae communities in different stocking density of fish under different weather conditions within effects of environmental parameters on microalgae. Phytoplankton samples were  +collected from five tanks, one tank is control tank without fish and four tanks with different densities of fish (10, 20, 40 and 80 fishes) respectively under different weather conditions for microalgal diversity study. Weather conditions and rain fall were recorded daily. Microalgae samples were collected from fish were identified, enumerated and the diversity index determined based on Shannon, Richness, Evenness and Simpson. There are 56 microalgal taxa found in the outdoor fish tanks belonging to 6 divisions represented by Chlorophyta (38) followed by Bacillariophyta (6), Cyanophyta (6), Dinophyta (3), Euglenophyta (2) and Crysophyta (1) in three weather conditions. The highest number of taxa recorded was 41 in tank 2 (20 fish), 39 taxa were observed in tank 3 (40 fish) followed by 34 taxa in tank 4 (80 fish), 33 taxa in tank 1 (10 fish) and 13 taxa in control tank without fish. In wet weather, the number of taxa was 25 followed by mix weather 24 and dry weather with 22 taxa. Favourable water quality during wet weather is probably led to highest species occurrence. Control tank without fish has 13 species represented by four microalgal division. Chlorophyta was the most common division in all tanks with 33 taxa in tank 1 (10 fishes), 41 taxa in tank 2 (20 fish), 39 taxa in tank 3 (40 fish) and 33 taxa in tank 4 (80 fish) in three weather conditions. The highest number of species occurred in wet weather and the lowest species occurrence in dry weather conditions. The most common and dominant species was Pandorina morum found in all tanks in different weather conditions. This study concluded that the fish stocking density and weather conditions influenced microalgal species composition and diversity.


Diversity of Mix Microalgae in Fish Tanks under Different Weather Conditions-converted

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Vol.4 No.3 – 8 : Use of Date Palm Leaves with Some Animal feces For Microbial Activity for Bio fertilizer production

By : Abd-El-Rahman Metwaly 1,2 , Hesham Sayed Ghazzawy 2,3 , Mohammed Ahmad Bkary 1, Iheb Chakroun 1 , Muneeruddin Syed 1

1Administration of Prevention & Environmental Health. Al Madinah – Saudi Arabia

2Central Laboratory of Date Palm Researches and Development, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt,

3Date palm Research Center of Excellence, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia


Production of compost using non-invested palm residues leads to organic products that improve the productivity of arable land. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of concentrations of different animal feces with plant palm leaves on microbial activity. Samples of palm leaves and animal feces of camels, sheep and chickens were collected and blended. Water and bakery yeast was added to improve microbial activity of compost then mixture is incubated according to windrow method. Results are satisfactory and allowed us to obtain natural compost free of micro-organisms with chicken feces (50%) without bakery yeast addition. In addition, sheep feces mixture, with added bakery yeast, gives microbial number decreases with percentage rise of feces.


Use of Date Palm Leaves with Some Animal feces For Microbial Activity for Bio fertilizer production-converted

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Vol.4 No.3 – 7 : High and Low Hemoglobin Levels During Pregnancy

By : Amal Hesham Hameed and Noor Hamid Abbas

Department of Pathological analysis techniques, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Iraq


The aim of this study is to measure the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women (Hb)  and study its variations with progress of pregnancy months and times of pregnancy. Blood samples were taken and hemoglobin was examined for about 150 pregnant women in different pregnancy months ( from 4 to 9 ) and for three pregnancy times (the first, the second and the third pregnancy ). It is found in this study that Hemoglobin is decreasing generally with progress of pregnancy months. Hemoglobin also decreases with increasing number of pregnancies, with the highest mean hemoglobin in the first pregnancy and the lowest average hemoglobin in the third pregnancy. This means that hemoglobin decreases with the recurrence of pregnancy. Then a statistical test using of Chi square was made and it is found that there is statistical significance for decreasing hemoglobin with the recurrence pregnancy times at a confidence level of 10.

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Vol.4 No.3 – 6 : The protective effects and ameliorative potency of the haemolymph from the Saudi scorpion Androctonus crassicauda against the oxidative stress induced by its crude venom: A pharmacological study

By : Nagwa N. Azzam

Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences and Arts in Tehamah (Girls Section), king Khaled University, KSA



Background: Envenomation from dangerous scorpions remains a horrible threat in many parts of the globe, especially the developed countries, reflecting a reliable cause of a lot of mortalities and morbidities for both children and adolescents; as the annual number of scorpion stings exceeds 1,200,000 resulting in approximately 3250 deaths. In Saudi Arabia, scorpionism constitutes an acute major medical problem with about 15, 000 average stung, yearly. Saudi government has given high priority to the development of health care services to monitor scorpionism carefully, to manage its treatment protocols successfully, and to explain the pathophysiological effects of the venom. A wide variety to treat scorpionism was used, either singly or in combination. Mostly, treatment modalities include antivenom immunoglobulin (SAV) and chemical antidotes, with varying degrees of effectiveness and side effects, though the cons and the so expensive wholesale cost associated with SAV treatment. We are in bad need and warranty challenged to obtain safer, more effective and not economically burdensome bioactive antivenins. Fourteen medically important scorpion species belonging to Buthidae have been identified in KSA. Although Androctonus crassicauda (A. c.) is an endemic and highly venomous scorpion in KSA, few studies were dealing with it. Objective: To evaluate the possible involvement of cellular oxidative reactions of the crude venom of the Saudi scorpion A. c., as the main cause of multiple organ dysfunctions, and how far scorpion haemolymph (SH) could be effective to protect and / or  treat the envenomation-associated metabolic disorders. Materials and methods: Twenty four adult male albino mice (25-32 g) were randomly divided into four groups; six in each. The controls; injected subcutaneously (SC) with 0.01 ml NaCl 0.9%/ kg BW, envenomed animals; receiving a single dose of crude venom of the Saudi scorpion A. c. (0.12 mg/kg BW; SC) and tested two hours post-injection, envenomed animals treated within 5 min. with a SC dose of 0.12 mg of SH / kg BW, and envenomed animals treated with the same dose and route with SH, two hours prior to scorpionism. Animals were dissected and different biochemical parameters and oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in serum, liver and brain tissues. Results: Scorpion envenomation was accompanied with oxidative damage and hyperglycemia; which is causative for generation of additional reactive oxygen species, and its subsequent metabolic disorders. Also, SH was predicted to significantly protect from and reverse all the cytotoxic manifestations following envenomation. Conclusion: The cytotoxic effects of crude venom of the Saudi scorpion A. crassicauda could be attributed to generation of reactive oxygen species causing oxidative damage. The scorpion haemolymph can be used as a bioactive therapeutic agent to protect and treat the dysfunctions subsequent to envenomation, as it may contain novel molecule (s) to do this.

The protective effects and ameliorative potency of the haemolymph from the Saudi scorpion Androctonus crassicauda against the oxidative stress induced by its crude venom

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